Domain name changed in database

Started by jbaker, May 30, 2007, 04:10:41 PM

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 I've been using a toaster version 2.2 on freebsd 4.7 since that was new but lately I've had problems with a spammer overloading that machine so I started fresh with a ProLiant DL145 (x64) 1.5 gig ram,2 160 gig sata hard drives (gmirrored). I did a fresh install of FreeBSD 6.2 cvsup'ed sources and ports built everything added my domain and all users and tried to bring it up as a secondary server to test it. It worked as a primary should not using smtproutes mail but delivering to its own hard drive. Before I resolved this a drive failed on the 4.7 machine and I tried to press the new one into service. (FIRST MISTAKE) It soon began refusing mail for valid users. I tried changing settings (SECOND MISTAKE) and soon I couldn't login under any user in imap,pop, or qmailadmin. I've since found out that if I use vadduser a new user I can login and send mail. When I look at the database it is setting the domain name as vpopmail on the new users. Changing the pw_domain from ****.com to vpopmail allows users to login again as user@****.com. However qmailadmin shows user@vpopmail is logged in at the top of the page.
Sorry if this is a long post but I figure I screwed up a setting and this should be easy but what  it could be has got me stumped.    Thanks ARB


I've also noticed slight differences in the qmail vdomains management tools.
Whenever possible I prefer to use vpop's binary tools on the commanline.

With the following packages (below), changes to the quotas with vqadmin do not stick?

p5-vpopmail-0.08    Perl module to provide access to vpopmail API
qmailadmin-1.2.10,1 CGI program for administering Qmail with vchkpw/vpopmail
vpopmail-5.4.17     Easy virtual domain and authentication package for use with
vqadmin-2.3.6_1     A cgi-based Virtual Qmail Domains Administrator

Changes via the vpop commandline and qmailadmin do.

I suspect the vqadmin.cgi is modifiying the .qmail files differently.
I recommend you check each package's build options carefully.

As you are using a database, recheck your vpopmail build options, the toaster default domain and support for vdomains options also.