Email bouncing

Started by ksscendyn, May 31, 2006, 10:34:16 AM

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Some clients and some customers ask why I cannot get email from certian people.  Now I know that some of there emails get blocked due to the RBL's like hotmail and MSN ..

Is there a way to allow per email address or by domain in the toaster to allow on a per domain basis?

If anyone has an idea or can point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated

4.11 Stable Toaster-4.08

--Lil Van Dammage


 ;D  Thanks to Mr. Simerson's Isightful help over the phone call I was able to figure out by disabling check it was blocking all the major sites that my customers used

ex: msn hotmail gmail and little rinky dink sites that well you know dont have a good mail admin setup like us Toaster do  :o

Thanks for all your help hope this post helps other NEWBIE NEWBIES out there!
--Lil Van Dammage