rrdtool error

Started by sbhasin, June 17, 2005, 01:19:45 AM

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anyone noticed this? What could be wrong here?

ERROR generating /usr/local/rrdutil/html/localhost/cpu_load.png: unknown option  '--font=LEGEND:7:/usr/local/share/rrdtool/fonts/DejaVuSansMo no-Roman.ttf '


The new version(s) of rrdutil default to using rrdtool version 2 (v1.2+) format. Howeover, you appear to have rrdtool version 1 installed. So, either upgrade rrdtool to version 1.2.x, or edit rrdutil.conf and set rrdtool_version = 1.


So, in my conf file, I do have it set to version2 but I think you're right. By default the older version was installed and it appears that as soon as i installed the newer version from the ports, things started to work out just fine.

Thanks much for your time. Oh, would you or anyone else have some sample configuration files of interesting parameters people have been monitoring?

Thanks again for providing this wonderful toaster. I'd be glad to help out (in any tiny way) in the future.