spamc: failed in-sanity check

Started by ozric, February 14, 2005, 05:08:22 PM

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I keep getting these in my /var/log/maillog.  I did a portupgrade force (-f) on all my "p5-" ports and it seemed to go away for half-a-day but then returned again today when I came home from work.

I can send and receive email, and spamd checks it.  It just doesn't add the Spam score in headers and throw it into the SPAM folder.

Searching google didn't help much.  There was a similar spamassassin bug on a redhat site, but the bug was fixed.

Looking thru the logs today, it looks like it failed about 75% of the time with that error.

FreeBSD 5.3, Toaster 4.03

(I was at Toaster 4.04 but downgraded because of the error.  I noticed 4.04 is not officially out yet.)

spamc[62263]: failed sanity check, 5203 bytes claimed, 10423 bytes seen

The bytes claimed/seen vary from message to message.