High cpu load with toaster-watcher

Started by ravenlock, June 11, 2004, 02:40:51 AM

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I host my toaster on a shared machine -- in a jail, to be precise, so my resources are a bit limited. Today my service provider approached me about toaster-watcher eating up so much resources that the other jail customers on the same machine were complaining.

Now, are there any obvious reasons why this would happen? what are the things I need to consider now that I've (at least temporarily) taken toaster-watcher off crontab?

Thanks a lot Smile


Ehm... looks like it wasn't _my_ toaster that was causing problems Very Happy it was another guy installing the toaster on the same shared machine, only he seems to have messed it up. But the blame was cast on me, since the service provider found the same script on my jail, and mistook the processes for mine Smile

in any case, if you feel like replying to the "things to consider" -part, I'm still interested Smile


when properly configured, toaster-watcher.pl should use very, very, very, very little in terms of CPU resources. Sure, it does launch a perl interpreter thread (some memory, a bit of CPU) but once that's done, it's all pretty basic stuff.

It does some DNS lookups to for the RBLs, checks some of the local files to make sure they exist and their contents are sane, and that's about it.

Pop into the distribution and read through lib/Mail/Toaster.pm. You don't have to know perl to be able to read it and understand, at least vaguely what's going on.
