Slight Error in Install Instrucitons

Started by nick, April 20, 2004, 02:17:12 AM

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Hi, I just noticed a little error in the install for Perl, the command:

# pkg_add -r" target="_blank">

Does not work, it gives:

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Broken pipe

Am I doding something wrong or is this an error? I'd rather not have to compile Perl so is there a correct way of installing the binary?


That URL doesn't seem to exist on the server.  I used cut-and-paste and it comes back as File Not Found.
- Martin.


Those are my build notes, used to test on when I build changes. I do this over and over, so I take shortcuts as it's a controlled environment and it's safe to do there.

That means they are subject to frequent change, and you should not expect them to work on your system.  If you are installing, follow the INSTALL instructions. The build notes are for reference.